we are......2015. What will it bring?
I have admittedly been very lackadaisical about blogging, and that was due to a few things; depression, illness, family issues etc etc etc, but it was also because I didn't think anyone was reading. Then I remembered something important;
I'm not writing this for anyone else. I'm writing it because I need to write. I physically need to get things out of my head, and down on paper, or out into the ether.
I don't know about you, but I struggle with what can conservatively be termed an 'overly busy mind'. In other words, it never bloody shuts up!! In order to attempt to combat that, I need structure and routine.
Now, in all honesty, this does not sit well with the majority of my personality that wants to know...spontaneous, bohemian, spur of the moment; in other words - FUN. But, actually, structure and routine can be very freeing. It means that, when someone says 'hey (or where I come from 'now then') do you fancy going to the park?', I'm not worrying about all the little jobs that need doing, cooking, cleaning etc etc. I can go, without a care in the world. In reality, of course, this doesn't happen. I'm no more likely to go to the park than fly to the moon, but the possibility is there.
And that's what life is about really. Possibility. I think that we forget that every day, every hour is an opportunity to move towards our goals, big or small. I think we forget, with so much conflict, strife, difficulty and sadness around us, that we were put on the planet to do our best to be happy, to seize joy wherever we can find it, to offer kindness whenever we can.
I wish everyone a happier healthier New Year. And, as there is no one reading this, I shall continue to send those good wishes out into the universe!!
Carol B